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We are the future community of the highest paid debt collectors in the world.


Think about it - what avenue is there for collectors to network with other collectors about which client is paying what fee and whose collecting what?

Which employer steals your postdates and who are the real good guys?

Find out all that and increase your collections no matter where you are from a strong and growing team of moderators and industry leaders of 20 years who have started many agencies you know by name, such as....



Work from home, on your own schedule. 
Be your own Boss.

About Our Program.

1.  Withdraw commissions earned anytime on cleared payments.

2.  Highest commission rates in the industry.   (You earn what the agency's normally earn!)

3.  Great training program helps anyone get started.

4.  Build residual income by setting customers up on long term partial payments.

5.  Work whenever you want, 7 days a week from 8am-9pm in each US time zone.

6.  Be your own boss with no pressure.   We are here to help, train & support you.  

7.  Become a recruiter or BPO earn even more.  Like Uber but for Call Center Work.

Connecting you with the agency owners and agents!

Do you need a top collection agent in your area that specializes the type of debt you have that needs to be recovered?

Contact Us

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